Grace Hopper game

  Tags: Games

Grace Hopper: Bug Rescue is a Sokoban style puzzle game about finding bugs (insects and coding errors) in a machine.

In a computer science themed world along with famous characters as insects: players will navigate by planning moves, sliding blocks, solving puzzles, and rescuing their colleagues, in order to get the insect computer up and running.

After 2 years of prototyping 8 games, we started work on Grace Hopper: Bug Rescue. Based around a core 2d puzzle maze mechanic, Grace will challenge you to rescue your friends who are trapped in a large computer in the 1950s. Rescue your friends, learn about early computer science and famous computer scientists.

The game is aimed to be both fun as a puzzle game, as well as an interesting educational game. We want to allow the player to discover educational content at their own pace without distracting from the core gameplay, allowing their curiosity to guide them. We will also be providing external learning materials to supplement the game, if the player wants to go that little bit further.

After finishing the demo here, we have been looking for publishers to take the game into full production.

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