Ben has taught data science, design & coding with Cambridge Spark, Decoded and Ada College. He's worked on web, games, ML and app projects, and even run his own co-working space. He's an avid maker and thinker of creative technological... stuff.

Recent works and articles:

ML for Impress

 work   Games, AI, Web

Working on ML model training and data pipelines for Impress indie game marketing toolkit service

A Wizard's Wool - 3D adventure game

 work   3D, Games, Design, Development, C#

Our first game in development at Nuclear Candy Games

Playdate game for GMTKjam2024

 experiment   Development, Games

First game for the playdate made for GMTKjam2024

Nuclear Candy Games

 work   3D, Animation, Business, Games, Unity3D

New games development company I co-founded with friends. We make Unity and web games.

Environmental Practices for the Games Industry

 article   Eco, Development, Article, Games

Recommendations for anyone working in the games industry to reduce carbon and promote environmental practises.

What is ethics?

 article   Ethics, AI, Essay, Philosophy, Article

An article about ethics in the abstract, the point of it and how we can use it for better futures.

Co-op Mode deskspace

 work   Games, Deskspace, Co-working, Director

Not-for-profit deskspace I ran for a year in Bristol 2022/2023

Talks and workshops:

Book me for your talk, workshop, podcast, or to MC on subjects: AI ethics, games ethics, data science, games design, computer science, or web design.


  • June - TBA
  • March - TBA
  • March - What's Wrong With podcast
  • Feb - Games, AI and Ethics - LIVE! Talk at Disneyland Paris



  • Nov - Solutions From The Multiverse Podcast - Interview
  • June - SJS (internal) - AI, Generative AI and Ethics workshop


  • Oct - Bristol Games Hub lightening talks - Environmental practises for the Games Industry
  • Oct - Manchester University - Algorithmic Bias and Fairness sandpit talk
  • Feb - Evolution of AI Ethics - Tech Ethics London

More past talks and workshops listed here.

    Some publically recorded talks:

    Clients include:

    aardman animationAda collegeBCSBFI networkCambridge SparkCentric LabCX PartnersDecodedHarte HanksHorton StephensImpressMeteor PixelMethodsPretty Good DigitalThe Polygon LoftVCCPVirginVirti

    © Ben Byford | website created by Ben Byford using Processwire